Consultations San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon

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The consultation lies at the foundation of Dr. Malone’s aesthetic practice. Your journey begins with a one on one meeting with Dr. Malone to establish an in-depth understanding of your unique needs and desires. She will explore your personalized genetic makeup, anatomical and physiological processes and lifestyle circumstances that contribute to your individual beauty.

4150 Regents Park Row, Ste. 280, La Jolla, CA
Monday - Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm

Facial Plastic Surgeon San Diego
Facial Plastic Surgery San Diego
San Diego Facial Plastic Surgery
San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon

In your consultation, you will get a better understanding of how dietary, chemical and environmental factors are contributing to systemic inflammation and chronic stress, which may be affecting your appearance. You will understand how to protect your body from accelerated glycation, free radical production and oxidative stress. Your consultation with Dr. Malone will allow you the opportunity to address all of your concerns as well as formulate a customized plan designed to optimize your beauty from the inside out.

Prescriptive Treatments

In your consultation, you will be able to discuss your particular concerns and treatments you may have heard about and interested in. Together with Dr. Malone, you will formulate a comprehensive plan that is tailored to your individual needs. You will have access to the most scientifically advanced treatments while creating a foundation of a strong holistic regimen to achieve and maintain the most natural results from the inside out.

Natural Results

Your treatment plan may be targeted at improving the tone and texture of your skin, improving the brightness of your eyes or refining your facial profile. Whatever your particular concern, we will show you how to achieve the most natural results that you desire. We will focus on self-care regimens that you can implement to stimulate healthy gene expression, promote collagen regeneration and secure long lasting natural beauty from within. The best long-term results are achieved with an ongoing commitment to self-care. We are very excited to embark on this journey with you.

American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery American Acadeny of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc. American College of Surgeons American College of Surgeons Columbia University QUAD A

Melanie Malone, MD, FACS

4150 Regents Park Row, Ste. 280 La Jolla, CA 92037

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